Earn your Psy.D. degree at Holy Family University

Doctor of Psychology in Counseling Psychology, Psy.D.

The Doctor of Psychology in Counseling Psychology (Psy.D.十大网络彩票平台大全(Holy Family University)的项目致力于实践者-十大网络彩票平台大全的培养模式. The program is evidence-based and practice-informed, 运用反映咨询心理学学科基本价值的干预措施.

Accreditation Status
The Doctor of Psychology in Counseling Psychology (Psy.D.十大网络彩票平台大全(Holy Family University)的博士课程是apa认证的. APA has granted the Psy.D. 在2025年3月18日之前获得应急状态认证的项目.


Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation       
American Psychological Association       
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002       

Program Overview

Now accepting applications for Fall 2024

The Psy.D. program is a 5-year, post-masters, 90-credit program, conducted over the fall, spring, and summer semesters at Holy Family University, with both academic and clinical training components. 该项目旨在满足美国心理协会的认证标准,并为毕业生在宾夕法尼亚州获得执照做准备.

咨询心理学博士课程培养学生以360度的视角来理解社区, groups, couples, families, 在人生的任何阶段都要克服心理健康挑战,提高生活质量.

Program Details

The Psy.D. 该课程旨在确保学生具备实现以下三个目标所必需的能力:

  • 发展心理学的基本理论和科学基础知识
  • 准备在不同人群的一生中进行道德和称职的心理学实践
  • 加入毕业生奖学金,确保心理实践的科学基础

该项目对文化等问题的识别有着强烈的承诺, race, 种族以及性别等多样性领域, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ability. 该计划促进了临床医生的发展,他们能够促进个人一生中心理健康的发展, couples, families, groups, and diverse social systems. 培训经验充分体现了社会正义的价值观, feminism, and multiculturalism.

学生需要完成至少三个全日制学年的研究生学习,其中至少有两年的培训是在圣家心理咨询学院完成的.D. program. You will also be expected to complete a full-time, 一年的博士前实习作为毕业要求, 在APA认可的实习场所(或同等机构)实习.

Student Journey

Admission Requirements


  • 经认可的学院或大学获得咨询或相关专业的硕士学位. 
  • 3.5 GPA from Master’s program. 硕士水平的成绩单将被验证,以确保在开始课程之前适当的课程和实地经验. 
  • 由熟悉申请人学术或专业工作的人撰写的三封令人满意的推荐信. 
  • 一份申请表,申请费不予退还. 
  • Interview with program faculty. 
  • 一份250-500字的个人临床和研究兴趣陈述. 申请人陈述的质量将对入学申请的成功至关重要. 
  • 所有以前的学院或大学工作的正式成绩单. 
  • CV or resume 
  • Background Questionnaire 

申请人将根据其学术能力进行考虑, expression of interests and goals, life experience, and personal interview. All cohorts begin in the Fall. Prior to admission, 被选中的申请者将被邀请完成与心理咨询学院的个人面试. 

请注意,由于密集的培训要求,该计划的规模有限. 尽管许多申请者符合入学标准, it may not be possible to admit all qualified students. 

Core Faculty

Dr. Diane Menago, Program and Training Director, Professor   
Dr. Mindy Parisi Cummings, Associate Professor  
Dr. Kimberly Dasch-Yee, Professor 
Dr. Alissa Hochman, Associate Professor

Associated Faculty

Dr. Chet Rispoli, Affiliate Faculty   

Graduate Counseling Psychology Program Manager

Francesca Maslin, MS

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Non-Discrimination Statement

Our Non-Discrimination Statement can be found at mogrenlandscape.com/ndstatement or call 267-341-3479.

Career Paths


Students who obtain this degree work in:

  • Community agencies
  • Forensic settings
  • Veterans Administration 
  • Healthcare settings
  • Private practice
  • College counseling centers
  • Higher education 


Program Information

Degree Awarded
  • Doctorate
Program Location
  • Newtown
Required Credit Hours

Request Information
Elaine Maruca headshot

"I think Steve Jobs said it best. 'Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, 而获得真正满足的唯一途径就是去做你认为是伟大的工作. 做伟大工作的唯一途径就是热爱你所做的工作.' 我希望我们的教师以身作则,激励我们的学生走出去,做伟大的工作!" 

Diane Menago 
项目与培训主任、教授|艺术学院 & Sciences

Questions? Contact the Graduate and Adult Admissions Office

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